Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Ding. My First Onslaught Max Level Character

I managed to hit level 75 on my Jedi Guardian yesterday while working through the Iokath story line.  Yes.  That's right.  I haven't even started on the actual Onslaught content yet.  Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the Iokath stuff either, but I just felt like I should at least start through it.

One overarching piece of feedback for the SWTOR team after working through KOTET and the first part of Iokath is please, no walker quests.  Ever again.  Unless you're willing to fix the mechanics in them, they are terrible, and please stop.

I'm debating respecc'ing the Jedi to a tank spec now, but haven't fully decided yet.  I also started working my smuggler through the Hutt Cartel story line just to keep earning conquest points and gearing up.  My plan is to do that and Revan and then skip straight to the Onslaught stuff if I'm in the right spot level-wise.

On my Sith Marauder, I've now finished chapter 2 and am definitely enjoying the class a lot more.  I'm a huge fan of Jaesa as a companion, so we're just rolling through everything now.  I'm also starting to unlock all the strongholds for the huge conquest bonus, so that's helping as well.

I haven't spent much time on the Jedi Shadow or the bounty hunter, but that will definitely change once I get the Sith Warrior done, which could happen fairly quickly now.

One other thing that I've discovered on the professions is that you can absolutely level the crafting crew skills strictly by leveling the various components used to craft gear and not by crafting any actual gear.  Going to try that with the various ones that I've been working on.  The big crafting project is likely going to require moving everyone's materials inventory into Legacy Cargo and then crafting away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Close to Finished with KOTET

I just finished the palace puzzle portion of Chapter VI of KOTET, and I am definitely ready to be finished with this particular stream of content.  I'm remembering that this is a large part of the reason that I stopped playing SWTOR the last time.  Advancing through this content just feels like small amounts of fighting in between long movie clips.

The dialogue and choices make for some fun, but I'm not sure they make a huge difference anyway.

I'm much more curious to see what the actual Onslaught content looks like once I get there, and then see how challenging it is to gear up.

I'll also be pushing my Smuggler to 75 after I finish with the Jedi Guardian.

Beyond that, I've been working a bit on the last 3 characters that haven't finished their class story line.  The Marauder has made the most progress so far and should be finishing Chapter 1 shortly.  As I've unlocked more abilities and figured out a better rotation, that class is definitely working better for me now.  I've also been working a little bit on the Bounty Hunter and on the Jedi Shadow while I let rested xp accumulate on the Marauder, so they've made some progress as well.

I'm still debating on crew skills.  I've set it up so that I have at least one of each crafting skill, but I'm debating whether it is really worthwhile to work on leveling all of those up.  The upside is that with my legacy storage, I can very easily using mats I've gathered across all my toons to level these crafting professions.  It'll just take some time to set up.  It would be nice to be in a position to outfit all my alts in decent gear once they hit max level.  

There is, of course, a spreadsheet that has been established to help track this.

That's it for this week!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Snuck in the Smuggler Before the XP Boost Ended

I managed to finish up the class story line on the smuggler before the experience boost ended.  Being part of a guild with a fully upgraded flagship is a huge bonus as well, so I managed to finish the class story line at level 60.  I'm not even sure where to go from there, because I'm pretty sure that's the level to start KOTFE, just skipping Ilum, Hutt Cartel and Shadows of Revan all together.

I've now started on the Sith Marauder.  I'm still not a big fan.  I might try changing up his discipline to something else and seeing if that helps. 

On my original main, Fiordin, I finished the KOTFE story line and have now started the first chapter or two of KOTET.  So far it seems like more of the same.  I'm anxious to get through the pieces that feel like you're just watching a movie, and hopefully the Onslaught stuff is back to more normal questing and progression.  I'm guessing I'll be level 75 before even finishing KOTET (since I'm 70 now), but I guess we'll see.