So I finished the storyline for the Shadows of Revan expansion yesterday, and find myself sitting at level 64, only one level short of max, with an entire expansion worth of storyline still to go. I continue to find the content in SWTOR to be really interesting and the Jedi Guardian has been a fantastic character to play at this point. I'm really looking forward to running him through the KOTFE content, even though it looks like I won't be getting xp for most of it.
Once the Jedi Guardian is done, I will likely move most of my characters onto a single server in order to consolidate what I'm doing from a Legacy perspective, and take full advantage of those perks. I haven't fully decided which server I want to end up on from that standpoint though.
My Imperial Agent will be the next character that I at least run through their initial class story, although I haven't decided how many classes I want to take all the way to max level at this point.
I'm also making a fair amount of credits from my crew skills, and show go into max level being able to purchase a fair amount of gear on the GTN if I need to. Although as long as my gear remains adequate for getting through the storyline, I'm not sure I'll be paying that much attention to upgrades.
After the Imperial Agent, will likely finish up a Sith Inquisitor / Sorc.
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