I'm also going to work on getting my "main" current on the various chapters and xpacs. He's currently working his way through Chapter 12 of KOTFE, so we'll see how that all goes. At least at the moment, if I run an Empire side character through the various xpacs as well, it will likely be the Sith Inquisitor who I enjoyed quite a bit more than the Imperial Agent. We'll see though.
For the various characters, here is where we currently stand:
Fiordin - level 65 Jedi Guardian
Karman - level 51 Trooper Commando
Tavlok - level 14 Jedi Consular
Ganntt - level 15 Smuggler Scoundrel
Laerissa - level 51 Imperial Agent Sniper
Joarek - level 57 Sith Inquisitor
Talaq - level 18 Sith Marauder
Ravlok - level 12 Bounty Hunter