I finished the class and main story lines of Nar Shaddaa yesterday on my Imperial Agent. My Republic Trooper is almost done with Taris and will be heading there next. I'm only a few bars away from getting my speeder on the Imperial Agent so that's pretty exciting.
Leveling the Imperial Agent continues to be pretty straightforward. Kaliyo continues to improve as a tank as I continue to get better gear for her. I'm not a huge fan of Kaliyo as a companion however, so I'm hoping I'll get someone that I can replace her with later on.
I've picked up my second companion already on the my trooper (which seems incredibly unfair, but I guess compensates a little for the first companion coming so very late). I'm leaning toward focusing on one of these two characters for a bit to just try to drive one toward the level cap a little faster. I'm really interested in seeing what the legacy system does, so really want to get far enough to start messing with that. These two existing toons are different factions and on different servers, so I'm guessing they won't both benefit.
In any case, Larisa, my Imperial Agent, is now sitting at level 24, almost to 25, and is heading for Tatooine. Karman, my Republic Trooper is level 22 and finishing up Taris. Interestingly enough, it seems like he's going to outlevel Nar Shaddaa by the time he gets there, but it's possible the Republic questline there is shorter. We'll have to see.
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